Pet Cremation Services of Arkansas strives to honor your pet through caring and ethical treatment and to bring comfort to you and your family during this difficult time.

Pet Cremation Services of Arkansas is family-owned and operated. We are licensed and inspected by the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality. We follow a strict code of ethics in the handling and care of pets that have been entrusted to us. Each pet is identified at the veterinary hospital and this ID follows the pet throughout the cremation process.
Ken Creasy founded the business in May, 1995. After working several years in an animal shelter in Arkansas, he saw the need for compassionate and caring services for a deceased pet and the grieving family. He began Pet Cremation Services of Arkansas with the express intention of helping people honor and respect their beloved pets after they passed away.
Marianne Sinclair joined Ken in 1997 to serve the community of pet owners. She has a BS Degree in Animal Science and a Masters Degree with 20 years in the animal welfare field.

In 2000, their son Aaron joined Pet Cremation Services of Arkansas. Aaron has a degree in Fluid Power (hydraulics) and is especially qualified to operate their five crematoriums.
Daughter-in-law, Sorina brings us exceptional experience. She worked 17 years as a Veterinary Assistant and was a Humane Society volunteer, working with rescue & rehabilitation.
Bradley, Kyle, Everette, James, Nate and Luke all help in picking up pets in central Arkansas and delivering back the cremains of beloved furry friends and companions.